Monthly Archives: October 2018

John Oliver: “Only continued pressure has even the slightest chance of stopping Kavanaugh’s confirmation”

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO): Brett Kavanaugh. (YouTube, 29:11min) “John Oliver discusses the ongoing controversy surrounding Brett Kavanaugh, the sexual assault allegations against him, his Supreme Court nomination, and what that could all mean for the highest (mostly-dog) court in the land.”

Vox: John Oliver: Kavanaugh’s Senate hearing was a “fuck you“ to women. “The Last Week Tonight host summarized the Senate Judiciary Committee’s message as, “We believe you — we just don’t care.“ ”

Link via MetaFilter.

Sexual harrasment and abuse is much more prevalent than many people think, and here are some of the reasons women don’t talk about it:

The Washington Post: Dear dads: Your daughters told me about their assaults. This is why they never told you.

“A man emailed recently in response to something I’d written about street harassment. He was so glad, he said, that his college-age daughter never experienced anything like that. Less than a day later, he wrote again. They had just talked. She told him she’d been harassed many, many times — including that week. She hadn’t ever shared this, because she wanted to protect him from her pain.”

Link via MetaFilter.

“Entscheidender Schlag gegen Rechtsextremismus”

Deutsche Welle: Generalbundesanwalt lässt sechs mutmaßliche Rechtsterroristen festnehmen. “Generalbundesanwalt Frank hat gegen Rechtsextreme aus dem Raum Chemnitz Ermittlungen wegen der Bildung einer rechtsterroristischen Vereinigung eingeleitet. Die Verdächtigen wurden in Sachsen und Bayern aufgegriffen.”

Deutsche Welle: German far-right terror suspects detained in overnight raids. “Germany’s attorney general has ordered the arrest of six men charged with forming a far-right terror group known as “Revolution Chemnitz.” The men are accused of planning attacks on migrants in eastern Germany.”