Monthly Archives: September 2010

Diese Woche in der Zeit

Zeit-Ausgabe 37/2010

Medizinerausbildung: Wehe! Wehe!
“Homöopathie, Akupunktur, Ayurveda – der Aberglaube frisst die moderne Medizin. Zunehmend lehren deutsche Hochschulen alternative Verfahren. Ein Irrweg, findet Harro Albrecht.”

Gedenktag 9/11: Die Welle.
“Aufmarsch am 11. September: Die Gegner des Islams machen in Amerika mobil.” Von Martin Klingst.

Psychiatrie: Briefe aus dem Wolkenkuckucksheim.
“Mit der Diagnose ‘Manisch-Depressiv’ landete unser Autor in der Psychiatrie. Hier versucht er, die Krankheit seinem kleinen Sohn zu erklären.” Und ein Interview mit dem Autoren Sebastian Schlösser.

Antisemitismus in Sachsen-Anhalt: Angriff auf Noam.
“In einer Kleinstadt in Sachsen-Anhalt wird ein jüdischer Junge an einer Bushaltestelle verprügelt. Warum werden die Hintermänner von vielen Menschen im Ort gedeckt?” Von Jana Simon. (14.06.2010)
Laucha-Prozess: Irgendwie auch selbst schuld.
“Ein Rechter schlägt einen Juden zusammen – der Täter bekommt Bewährung, gegen das Opfer wird ermittelt.” Von Jana Simon.
— Ein Fall, der sehr nachdenklich macht, 70 Jahre nach Judenverfolgung und Nationalsozialismus in Deutschland.

Integration: Gestatten: Die Supertürken.
“In der Sarrazin-Debatte fühlen sich erfolgreiche Migranten wie Wesen vom anderen Stern. Eine Selbstbeobachtung.” Von Özlem Topcu.
Der Fleiß und sein Preis.
“Vietnamesen gelten als die Streber unter den Immigranten – und finden das ziemlich anstrengend.” Von Khuê Pham.

A little hedgehog

Last May we were woken up in the middle of the night by the sound of a porcelain catfood dish being pushed over the paved driveway that we share with our neighbour. It turned out to be a hedgehog.

Since then it has been visiting regularly – actually, I think there are two hedgehogs regularly. They always come at dusk, and they seem to just love catfood. They will crunch noisily on the dry food or gobble up wet food with lots of grunting and snorting.

On Tuesday night we saw a tiny hedgehog actually sitting inside the bowl while eating the cat food. It was really cute, but its small size seems a bit worrying because it’s much too small and light to survive the winter. This afternoon it came back to visit in broad daylight while the neighbour and I were chatting outside, and we were both surprised because they are nocturnal and rarely seen before dusk. We fed it some catfood and watched the little guy walking back and forth on the driveway, always sniffing for food but not finishing what was right in front of its nose.

It turns out that at least two of our other neighbours know the little hedgehog as well. Apparently it’s been wandering around on our street in broad daylight, sometimes looking for food but today just lying there, looking very weak. One of the other neighbours gave it some catfood as well, and after that it walked over into our garden.

A little later in the afternoon the hedgehog was once again sitting in the food bowl and eating and was looking a little more perky. The neighbour’s cat and I followed it around a bit until we lost it in a hedge a few houses down the street.

I’m sure that a lot of people are now keeping an eye out for the little hedgehog, but it’s still going to be hard for it to gain enough weight in time for hibernation…

Here it is, with some of the catfood for scale; it’s about 10cm long and weighs about 100g – that would be around 4 inches and 3.5 ounces.

As usual, click for a larger version. André also posted a photo of the little hedgehog.