Daily Archives: February 5, 2006

To Kill a Mockingbird

New York Times: Harper Lee, Gregarious for a Day, by Ginia Bellafante. (Published January 30, 2006.)

Harper Lee wrote only one novel, but it became an almost instant classic – I re-read it recently and enjoyed it immensely.

Guardian – The Observer: Mockingbird author steps out of shadows.

“Harper Lee wrote one of the great works of American literature and is portrayed in two new Hollywood movies. Now her friendship with high school pupils has led her to talk publicly for the first time since 1964, writes Paul Harris.”


“Miss Harper Lee, author of To Kill a Mockingbird, a Pulitzer Prize winner and the most durable bestseller of the decade – Mockingbird has been on the list two years – flew into Chicago recently for a one-day stint to help promote the movie adaptation of her popular novel. What follows is an account of the flood of questions the noted writer must endure all in the name of publicity.”

This interview by Roy Newquist originally appeared in his book of interviews, Counterpoint, published in 1964 by Rand McNally.”

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Aus der Zeit

Leben: Deutschstunden. “Asad Suleman kämpft für die deutsche Sprache auf seinem Schulhof in Berlin-Wedding. Plötzlich steht er im Mittelpunkt einer Debatte, die das Land verändern kann.” Von Jörg Lau.

Wissen: Fron der frühen Jahre. “Zweijährige lernen rechnen, Dreijährige schreiben. Chinesische Eltern trimmen ihre Kleinkinder auf Hochleistung.” Von Donata Elschenbroich.

Wissen: Der Tod aus der Tiefe. “Am Grund von Seen gespeichertes Gas kann Menschen und Tiere ersticken. Nun versuchen Forscher, die tückischen Ausbrüche zu zähmen.” Von Jana Schlütter.