June 8 2000

From stranger to stranger

Daniel Berlinger (Archipelago News):

“Andrea calls me a stranger. [Do I know any of you? Only the tiniest little bit. […]

Hello Andrea! It’s nice to meet you. I hope I can meet you and André (and all my internet friends) in person one day.]”

Hello Daniel! Nice to meet you, too. I don’t smoke, but I speak English with a German accent – which you can’t hear on my weblog, of course.

What a great idea!

Al announces:


I would like to announce the opening of Birthdays.Weblogs.Com, a place where you can pry into the affairs…errr…celebrate the birthdays of your ETP/Weblogs.Com neighbors.”

Does Wienerschnitzel work magic?

Dave:”Andrea has discovered the magic flow-building properties of Wiener Schnitzel.”

Wow, that means I got two links in two days in a row on Scripting News! Thanks, Dave!

Late flip today

It’s already past seven pm, but I just came home. I’ve been busy all day long with courses at the uni and another math lesson. In between, I’ve been riding my bike back and forth (between uni and school) and enjoying the weather. It’s getting warmer and sunnier! Craig, there’s a good chance you get real nice summer weather when you arrive in Germany!

Fried rice

John has posted his fried rice recipe. It sure looks yummy, doesn’t it? Thanks, John!

Now there’s only one question: Which recipe are we going to try fist, his or the one Al posted here yesterday?!

Speaking of yesterday: My homepage had 328 hits yesterday! I’m impressed. So much web traffic because of some sandwiches and a Wiener Schnitzel

There’s been a “linkstorm” on my LinkBack page as well. Thanks everyone!


Später “Flip”

Es ist schon nach 19 Uhr, aber ich bin gerade erst nach Hause gekommen. Ich war den ganzen Tag unterwegs: zur Uni, von da quer durch die Stadt zur Nachhilfe, dann nochmal bis ans andere Ende von Bonn zur pädagogischen Fakultät. Ich bin mit dem Fahrrad gefahren und habe das schöne Sommerwetter genossen. Endlich ist es wieder warm und sonnig!


Meine Homepage hatte gestern 328 Hits! Ich bin beeindruckt. Und alles nur wegen des spärlichen deutschen Frühstücks und eines Wiener Schnitzels

3 thoughts on “June 8 2000

  1. Craig Jensen


    What is “real nice summer weather” in Germany? In Texas it means “not hot”, which usually means low 90s F.

    My daughter and I are getting real excited.

  2. Andrea Frick


    the forecast says we’re going to get 25 to 30°C tomorrow and 30 to 32°C the day after tomorrow. That’s 75 to 90 F. For me, however, it doesn’t mean “not hot”, but “pretty warm, not yet too hot”. In Bonn, the temperature seldom rises over 95 F, and in Northern Germany (where I used to live) 80 F is quite hot.

    So I guess you and your daughter will enjoy our not too hot weather!


  3. David Carter-Tod

    I always enjoy reading what other Europeans are up to. Here’s some more food of a distinctly European kind. Forget Wiener Schnitzel, Nutella, and Fried Rice. This is what I love:

    Yes I did eat it all! except the disk, of course, which just gives a sense of scale


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