Fried Rice Recipe
Thank you, Al, for posting your Fried Rice Recipe!
Another food story
John lived in Germany for a couple of years and is familiar with German breakfast:
“One of the first things I noticed in the German grocery stores was the absence of a breakfast cereal aisle. They had about two kinds of breakfast cereal and some muesli. […]
I’m making myself hungry, even though I just had some fried rice.”
Well… I didn’t count, but I think our supermarket has about 10 to 15 different kinds of cereal and maybe ten different kinds of muesli. Things have improved in Germany during the last couple of years, haven’t they?
I followed John’s link to fried rice and noticed another link for Maggi. The online store says “Product of Thailand” – strange… I thought Maggi was about as German as any spices could get. Maggi is a big German company that makes instant soups and the famous Fünf-Minuten-Terrine (“5 minute soup”) that comes in a cup. Add boiling water, wait five minutes, eat!
John, is there a chance that you reveal that secret Fried Rice recipe to me? Puh-lease?!
And now for something completely different!
It’s Susan‘s birthday today, I think. She hid her hint well near the end of a looong posting, but I found it nevertheless!
Happy Birthday, Susan, and have a great day!
Wiener Schnitzel everywhere
I just got a postcard from my friend Gabi. She spent a few days in Vienna. Guess what is says on her card!
“Yesterday, we had Schnitzel…” Must have been Wiener Schnitzel, of course.
Link from a stranger
André discovered a link to my “Schnitzel story” on Archipelago. Daniel Berlinger says Nutella is not food, it’s candy!
Total lecker
Roland Tanglao posted two questions in my discussion group: “If anybody could point me to a good Mohnkuchen recipe or name the schnitzel restaurant, I would be most grateful.” He is looking for the name of a restaurant in or near Lech, Austria. I can’t help him, but maybe someone else can?
Huge breakfast?!
Yesterday Al sent me email. He had read some of our journal of the trip to the USA and happened upon this:
“…but in Germany breakfast normally means a cheese sandwich or a roll with butter and jam.” [Day 2].
That made me think about the differences between German and American meals.
Germans eat the main (biggest) meal of the day around noon. It’s only sandwiches for breakfast and in the evening, but a hot meal at noon. And mind you, I’m not talking about something inventive like Tuna Salad Sandwiches or sandwiches with cheese and ham and tomato, but just plain bread with butter and a slice of cheese or ham or salami or jam or whatever. No ketchup, no mayonnaise, maybe just a little mustard.
Some people like Nutella on it. (Oliver even discovered Nutella in the US!
Myself, I don’t like Nutella. (In case you don’t know, it’s almost like smooth peanut butter, but instead made of hazelnuts and chocolate.) I prefer peanut butter – the chunky kind without sugar. But believe me, most people in Germany think it is disgusting.
What kind of hot meals do Germans eat? Okay, what typical German food do you know? Bratwurst, Sauerkraut, Wiener Schnitzel?
We don’t have Bratwurst and Sauerkraut every day. In fact, André and I never do. We like all kinds of Italian food and Eintopf (stew) and Auflauf (Auflauf is almost anything that is put into a bowl and baked in the oven, covered with a crust of cheese if you like). Especially Lasagna!
By the way, I really enjoyed breakfast while in Amsterdam. Our hotel had this nice buffet with lots of food: scrambled eggs, bacon, hash browns, different kinds of cereal, bread, rolls, muffins, quark cheese, fresh fruit etc.
I always started with eggs and bacon, then went on with cereal and fruit on yoghurt and had a muffin for dessert. A breakfast like that kept me going the whole day until it was time for dinner!
If you’re hungry, too, go visit the authentic Wiener Schnitzel sizzle André has found!
By the way, this has nothing to do with Wiener Schnitzel!
Was soll das ganze Wiener Schnitzel hier?
Hilfe, alle reden nur noch von Wiener Schnitzel! (André, Brent, Dave, Daniel Berlinger … – alle in Englisch)
Für Amerikaner ist Wiener Schnitzel offenbar sehr faszinierend. Und passend zur Diskussion bekam ich gerade eine Postkarte von meiner Freundin Gabi, die ein paar Tage in Wien verbracht hat. Und was steht auf der Karte? “Gestern haben wir Schnitzel gegessen…” – War natürlich Wiener Schnitzel, in Wien.
Total lecker
Roland Tanglao stellte in meinem Diskussionsforum zwei Fragen: “Falls jemand einen Link zu einem guten Mohnkuchenrezept kennt oder weiß, wie das Restaurant heißt, in dem wir auf dem Rückweg vom Snowboarden in Lech, Österreich, so gutes Wiener Schnitzel gegessen haben, wäre ich für Hinweise sehr dankbar!” Ich weiß leider nicht weiter, aber vielleicht jemand anders?
André hat außer einem bebilderten Rezept für Wiener Schnitzel auch einen Soundtrack mit original Wiener Schnitzel-Gebrutzel gefunden: Schnitzi-Bruzzl!
In den USA gibt es übrigens eine Fast-Food-Kette namens Wienerschnitzel, die allerdings kein Wiener Schnitzel im Angebot haben, sondern die üblichen Hamburger, Hot Dogs etc..