Where is Oregon?
Alwin Hawkins says:
I wish Andrea could have come through Oregon when she was here in the states. Ah well. I’ll just add her to my links at the side.
Thanks! You’ve probably noticed you’re among my links as well.
Maybe we will come to Oregon on our next trip. I want to do the north-western part of the USA next, places like Yellowstone Nationa Park, Seattle, Vancouver…
Yes, I know, Vancouver is in Canada. I want to go there anyway.
What places would you suggest to visit in Oregon?
By the way, on my last visit at the Yellowstone web site, I read that they were going to add QuickTime panoramas soon. Here they are:
Yellowstone’s Virtual Reality Panorama Home Page, QuickTime 3 or 4 required.
Back to California?!
Since our journal ended yesterday, I went back to California today – on the internet!
Craig Jensen from BookNotes had this link to the Huntington Library and Gardens a couple of days ago. I’ve visited the Garden in 1992, when I was staying with a family in Hesperia. I vividly remember the Japanese Garden and the Desert Garden. (QuickTime movies)

Zurück nach Kalifornien?!
Nachdem gestern unser Reisetagebuch endete, bin ich heute zurück nach Kalifornien gereist – im Internet!
Craig Jensen von BookNotes hatte vor einigen Tagen diesen Link zur Huntington Library and Gardens. Als ich 1992 bei einem Schüleraustausch einige Wochen in Hesperia verbrachte, haben wir u.a. den Garten besucht. Besonders gut kann ich mich noch an den Japanese Garden und den Desert Garden erinnern. (QuickTime movies)
Yellowstone Nationalpark
Bei meinem letzten Besuch auf der Website des Yellowstone Nationalpark hatte ich gelesen, daß es bald QuickTime-Panoramen aus dem Park geben soll. Hier sind sie:
Yellowstone’s Virtual Reality Panorama Home Page (QuickTime 3 oder 4 erforderlich).
Well, the first thing to understand is that Oregon is BIG and varied. It has the Willamette Valley, the temperate rainforest that most people think of when they think of Oregon. But we also have a largish desert, a significant alpine area, a plains-type agricultural area…you get the idea.
So, when you come to Oregon, you need to decide what you want to see and do.
Take a tour of the extensive vineyards?
Eat? Portland is becoming known as quite the restaurant town nationally, especially for it’s size.
Catch a show? The DoJump dance theatre is on Broadway right now, I believe. Imago is based out of Portland. And the Oregon Symphony is still quite a draw. Of course, we have our little (very small) club scene.
I am a firm believer that Portland is one of the few places outside of Germany or England where you can get a decent pint of beer. Microbrews are big here (pardon the expression), considering that coffee is almost the regional beverage it’s even more amazing you can find a decent hefeweizen…
Going out and watching the whales migrate in season is fun.
About the only thing that I don’t recommend that people try in Oregon is swim or surf in the ocean. The way the currents run, the water is cold and full of heavy debris like logs.
I grew up in Eastern Oregon, in the alpine and plains regions. Not a lot of “night life”, but if you’re looking for the remnants of the Great American Wilderness, that’s where you’ll find it. I don’t get back there often enough myself…