Daily Archives: December 19, 2000

December 19 2000

Seeing the earth from space

Earth Observatory Study: Bright Lights, Big City.

Look at that beautiful photo of the earth at night!


I think Kate has a great idea:

“Maybe I can do a “favorite quotes” page? On second thought, maybe someone else can do it. I feel the ball dropping as it touches my hands (it’s that organization thing)….but I still like the idea. Everyone could submit their favorite quotes and stories…”

This could become a “Best of Weblogs 2000”, non?

I like the idea, and I’m willing to participate. Anyone else?


As you may have noticed, I made a few little changes to this site’s design. Instead of the members box (which was way down in the left column), I have now placed the Login/Sign out links below the calendar.

And I added the new Behind the Curtain sticker to the left column.



Der Schockwellenreiter mischt sich ein. Er will auch über Quantentheorie reden – auch wenn die Webseiten noch nicht ganz fertig sind:

100 Jahre Quantentheorie.

Ein Besuch lohnt sich auch jetzt schon, da schon eine ganze Menge an Informationen vorhanden sind.

Holiday vacation

Craig is leaving today for a ski trip with his family. Have a nice vacation with good skiing weather and a wonderful holiday season, Craig!