Daily Archives: April 6, 2017

The Podcast everyone is talking about

In case you haven’t heard about it yet: The producers of This American Life and Serial have released a new series called S-Town. You can download all seven episodes. I binge-listened to them last week.

The New Yorker: “S-Town“ Investigates the Human Mystery. By Sarah Larson.

The Atlantic: S-Town Is a Well-Crafted Monument to Empathy. “The much-hyped podcast evolves from murder mystery and rural tourism into timely, humanistic biography.” By Spencer Kornhaber.

Vanity Fair: How S-Town, From the People Who Brought You Serial, Is Changing Podcasts All Over Again. “After releasing all seven of its episodes at once, S-Town in inspiring fierce devotion—but you’ll have to figure out your solution for spoilers on your own.” By Katey Rich.

Charlotte Observer: Professor featured in S-Town gives his take on hit podcast – and its central mystery. By Ann Doss Helms. (Includes a short video of the sundial John McLemore made for his Chemistry professor and which is described in the last episode of the podcast.)

And in case you’d like to listen a podcast about this podcast:
Longform Podcast: Brian Reed. (1 hour 13 minutes)

I’m going to listen to this while on a little roadtrip tomorrow.

Some links via MetaFilter FanFare.