Sunday, October 26, 2003

japanausstellung: Museums

Today, André and I visited the Kunst- und Ausstellungshalle der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, one of the museums here in Bonn. The KAH houses different exhibitions, many of which are very good and worth seeing. Today was the last day they showed Japans Schönheit, Japans Seele (Japan’s beauty, Japan’s soul) with exhibits from the Tokyo National Museum (site in Japanese and English). The exhibition is said to be the biggest and most spectacular exhibition of Japanese art since World War II. There also were No masks and photos from a camera museum. All the texts on the pages linked above are in German, but you can see lots of photos of the exhibits; for example, take a look at this shogun! Even more photos are available here on the website of the Tokyo National Museum; here’s the same shogun up close and personal.

The other exhibition we visited is Azteken. It was done in cooperation with the Royal Academy of Arts, so there’s a site about the exhibition in English: Aztecs. There were a lot of very impressive sculptures, some of which you can see here.