Peope do have crazy ideas!
What a cool idea! – Ramon Stoppelberg, a 24-year-old student from the Netherlands, asks people around the world for a place to stay for a day. He is going to hitch-hike whereever these offers take him, and will be covering the trip on his website.
Link via MetaFilter.
Springtime is here!
Today, I worked in the garden. Okay, not really. But I bought some Italian herbs and planted them in a box. Now we can use our own home-grown fresh herbs for cooking!
I proudly present, from left to right: thyme, rosemary, and oregano. We also have parsley, which is visible in the bottom left corner. Ah, the fragrance of those herbs! Makes me hungry…
(There’s some ivy in the background, which we do not intend to eat.)

Thymian, Rosmarin und Oregano
Yay, there’s an excerpt of Otherland: Sea of Silver Light by Tad Williams on! And the book is going to be published in April – I can hardly wait to read the last part of the series. The timing is perfect – in April I’ll have to start preparing for my written exams, and I always need good books to read while learning.
Fast zwei Milliarden Mark bis 2005 für zusätzliche Lehrerstellen
Seite 1: Bessere Besoldung soll Nordrhein-Westfalen im Wettbewerb mit anderen Ländern helfen.
Na, das sind doch mal gute Nachrichten für Lehrer und solche, die es werden wollen.
Kleine Weisheiten…
Sean zu einer Frage der Charaktermaschine:
“Selbstgepräche? – Wer von uns beiden?”
Sunset – or sunrise?
Beautiful photo, Jeff!
Sunset – or sunrise?
Sunset. As seen from The Industry Standard rooftop party (staff only) Friday evening.
Thanks. I find if you take enough pictures, then you’re bound to get a decent one every once in a while.
I find if you take enough pictures, then you’re bound to get a decent one every once in a while.
You’re right. I think that is the great thing about using a digital camera – you don’t have to worry about wasting film, because there isn’t any. I’ve found that I approach taking a photo in a very different way with my digital camera. Instead of carefully thinking about what to photograph, I just point the camera and click away, trying different angles, with our without flash, etc. The results can be amazing!
your herb garden is making me jealous! we spent two years growing the one at our rental … now that we’ve moved to our own house, we have to start all over again. *this* time, we’re planting mint in a steel bucket so the roots don’t spread and choke everything else out.
fave: ripe tomatoes, fresh basil … on top of a good slice of french bread that’s been lightly toasted over an open fire … drizzled with olive oil … YUM.
Ah, your garden must have been much bigger and greater than my little box!
fave: ripe tomatoes, fresh basil … on top of a good slice of french bread that’s been lightly toasted over an open fire … drizzled with olive oil … YUM.
Be sure to try this combination with some balsamic vinegar (preferably the original stuff, Aceto Balsamico di Modena from Italy). That’s my favourite combination! The vinegar adds a bit of both sweet- and sourness to the combination. YUM!