Monthly Archives: March 2000

March 12 2000

Today I visited the Exploratorium website.

André and I went to the real thing when we visited San Francisco last year. I just love it! We spent about three hours there, exploring and playing and experimenting.

On their webiste, I especially liked the Science Snacks, little experiments for teachers to do in class. For example, they tell you how to build your own geyser there!

Most of the world’s real geysers can be found at Yellowstone NP.


Tips für Website-Bastler: Die goldenen Regeln für schlechtes HTML. (Auch als Zip-Datei.)

Und wie man es besser macht: HTML-Dokumente selbst erstellen.

March 11 2000

Some fun stuff today…

Found this on Education Humor.

A student at Eagle Rock Junior High won first prize at the Greater Idaho Falls Science Fair, April 26. He was attempting to show how conditioned we have become to alarmists practicing junk science and spreading fear of everything in our environment. In his project he urged people to sign a petition demanding strict control or total elimination of the chemical “dihydrogen monoxide.” And for plenty of good reasons, since:

1. it can cause excessive sweating and vomiting

2. it is a major component in acid rain

3. it can cause severe burns in its gaseous state

4. accidental inhalation can kill you

5. it contributes to erosion

6. it decreases effectiveness of automobile brakes

7. it has been found in tumors of terminal cancer patients
He asked 50 people if they supported a ban of the chemical.
Forty-three (43) said yes, six (6) were undecided, and only one (1) knew that the chemical was water.
The title of his prize winning project was, “How Gullible Are We?” He feels the conclusion is obvious.

Found this link via /usr/bin/girl. Zannah actually linked to Supermarket Humor.

Another interesting ETP site: I’ll Watch this space


Mal wieder eine interessante ETP-Seite: Watch this space. Ist auf Englisch, hat aber tolle Fotos!

March 10 2000

Communities have Economies – James Vornov on On deciding… better:

Perhaps we can look at the / Edit This Page universe as a distributed portal. I draw some folks from some areas to my site, but they get fed into other ETP sites through my community links. Some of those folks decide to stay, set up their own sites. If the community is the content, Userland never has to pay for content.

A significant percentage of my time on the net now revolves around my ETP site and our community. This is the “stickiest” of sites because it’s so personal. The web here is part of my life. It’s me. And my time here is worth something to some one else.

And one reason why I’ve thought about the ETP demographic is that I think its very attractive to marketers. I was talking about age. It’s relatively mature. Where do you go to find a 40 year old on the net? I know lots of them here. 40 is just the age where people have computer experience starting in high school. I used a timeshare mainframe, played with one of the first microprocessors in college and used an Apple II for my PhD dissertation research.

I know this link has been on some other ETP sites and is probably wide-known. But I think the idea is just too cool!

Oliver wonders what lies beyond

Looking around on John VanDyk‘s sites, I found an interesting link on his home page. He says:

If you have comments […] let me know! Your feedback is valued more than peanut butter Twix®!

The candybar page belongs to the Sciene Museum of Minnesota. There’s an interesting part of their site called The Thinking Fountain. They’ve also gross pictures of mold there… Seems to be great fun for kids!


Dieser Link wurde schon auf mehreren ETP Sites erwähnt und ist wahrscheinlich schon bekannt. Aber ich finde die Idee einfach zu gut!

Oliver fragt sich, was jenseits hiervon liegt…

Als ich mich bei John VanDyk umgesehen habe, stieß ich auf einen interessanten Link auf seiner Homepage:

Errate den Schokoriegel!

Die Schokoriegel sind natürlich amerikanische, aber die meisten davon gibt es auch in Deutschland. Viel Spaß beim Raten!

Die Seite mit den Schokoriegel-Querschnitten gehört zum Sciene Museum of Minnesota. Ein Teil der Site ist für Kinder gedacht und heißt The Thinking Fountain. Unter anderen gibt es dort eine Bildergalerie mit Aufnahmen von Schimmelpilzen… Scheint Kindern viel Spaß zu machen!

March 9 2000

I improved my guestbook. You can read all entries before signing or go directly here to sign. You have to be a member of my site to sign the guestbook. If you aren’t a member yet, join now!

Cool idea: Paint your computer! Mac Paint(ing) shows how to do it. The only thing that’s still missing is some photos!

I also like their idea of designing their site. Everything looks like windows or stickies on the Mac.

Are Europeans more mature than Americans?

It’s not easy to keep track of a discussion that stretches over several weblogs. Here‘s John Marden’s comment.


Ich habe an meinem Gästebuch gearbeitet. Man kann alle bisherigen Einträge lesen, bevor man sich selbst einträgt, oder sich direkt hier eintragen. Um sich eintragen zu können, muß man allerdings Mitglied (Member) meiner Site sein. Wer noch kein Mitglied ist, kann hier Mitglied werden!

Coole Idee: Mal Deinen Computer an! Mac Paint(ing) schreibt (in Englisch), wie man es am besten macht. Das einzige, was noch fehlt, sind ein paar Fotos des Resultats!

Mir gefällt auch ihr Design: Alles sieht wie Fenster oder Stickies auf dem Mac aus!

March 8 2000

I picked up Susan Kitchen‘s idea to let people introduce themselves…

Okay, folks… There are between 40 and 100 hits on my homepage every day. Now I want to know who these faithful and trusty people are that drop by daily. Sign my Guestbook!

I apologize for not writing much these days. Besides working on my essay on mathematics, I’m very busy at the moment with my students who are preparing for the Abitur. I have six students whom I help with their math homework and the like (is there no English word for Nachhilfe?), and they’re getting really nervous because they have to take an almost-as-difficult-as-the-abitur exam that prepares them for the real Abitur exam the week after next. So they all need some extra lessons.

I’m glad I’m not as busy as David Theige or Alwin Hawkins, though…

I like Sheila‘s little smiling star!


Ich habe Susan Kitchens Idee für eine Art Gästebuch geklaut…

Okay, los geht’s… Meine Homepage hat jeden Tag zwischen 40 und 100 Hits, und jetzt möchte ich wissen, wer die treuen Seelen sind, die hier täglich vorbeischauen. Schreibt in mein Gästebuch!

Ich muß mich entschuldigen, daß ich in diesen Tagen so wenig zum Schreiben kommen .Neben meiner Hausarbeit bin ich schwer mit Nachhilfe beschäftigt. Fünf von meinen sechs Nachhilfeschülern schreiben übernächste Woche ihre Abi-Vorklausur in Mathe, und deshalb sind sie jetzt schon ziemlich nervös. Sie wollen alle Extrastunden!

Zum Glück ergeht es mir noch nicht ganz so schlimm wie David Theige oder Alwin Hawkins

Mir gefällt Sheilas lächelnder Stern!