Category Archives: Personal

Emotional Labor

A MetaTalk thread reminded me that I never posted a link to this excellent MetaFilter thread from July 2015 on emotional labor:

“Where’s My Cut?“ : On Unpaid Emotional Labor. (July 15, 2015)

“Housework is not work. Sex work is not work. Emotional work is not work. Why? Because they don’t take effort? No, because women are supposed to provide them uncompensated, out of the goodness of our hearts.

Posted by sciatrix (2115 comments total) – 828 users marked this as a favorite.”

It took me the better part of two weeks to read that thread and some of the AskMetaFilter and Metatalk threads it spawned (selection, in chronological order), plus more time when later threads were posted:

European Mantis

Ah, the joys of living in the countryside: On September 19th 2015, we found this lovely visitor next to our front door:

It’s a European Mantis (europäische Gottesanbeterin), probably a female because of the size. They are quite rare in Germany and are only found in very warm regions like the one we live in.

This specimen is probably pining for the fjords by now, since only the eggs survive the winter.

Christmas Eve Eve

Tradition for 21 years: meeting my friends from school on December 23rd. It takes a whole night to catch up for the whole year. Always great to see everyone at least once a year!