Daily Archives: July 7, 2003

Wednesday, July 2, 2003


American Families Beyond the White Picket Fence is”a photographic documentation exploring the daily lives of ten American families whose diverse forms reflect our country’s changing family landscape.” The project by photographer Courteney Coolidge is not new (the site was apparently built in 1999) but it’s still interesting. There also are a few links to similar projects here.

Behind the scenes of The Lord of the Rings

The Science Museum in London is going to host an exhibition with “Props, costumes and artefacts from the films – including samples of the models, armoury, animatronics and miniatures […] alongside interactive computer and mechanical demonstrations of the cutting-edge technology”. There’s a BBC article about the exhibition, which is going to run from 16 September 2003 to 11 January 2004: Museum to reveal Rings secrets. Fancy a trip to London in autumn or winter, André?

Link to the BBC article via Garret.

Nuclear physics

I’ve been looking around for sites on nuclear physics for school. Among other sites, I found this table of nuclides at Brookhaven National Laboratory.

Eine Site in deutscher Sprache ist Was ist Kernfusion? Die Site wurde von einem Leistungskurs Physik der Jahrgangsstufe 13 des Gymnasiums Zitadelle Jülich in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Forschungszentrum Jülich erstellt.

Lots of books

I got six books for my birthday, five of them in English: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, which I read in less than two days, The War of the Flowers by one of my favourite authors, Tad Williams, Family Matters by another favourite author, Rohinton Mistry (here’s another article about his new book, an excerpt of which you can read here), The Fool’s Progress by Edward Abbey and My Brain is Open, a biography of the mathematician Paul Erdös, which I’ve also finished already. I’m currently reading The War of the Flowers. It’s quite good, but I already am sad that it is a single-volume book. I just love reading Williams‘s longer series (Memory, Sorrow and Thorn and Otherland); you can get lost in them for days or even weeks.


Diese Woche in der Zeit

Trainingseffekt: Wenn der Postmann dreimal schreit. “Die Post schult ihre Briefträger im Umgang mit Hunden – erfolgreich. Trainer Stefan Begier verrät, wie Boten bissige Arbeitsunfälle vermeiden und woran es liegt, dass sich Hund und Mensch nicht riechen können.”

Sommer-ABC: So schmeckt der Sommer. “Nirgendwo sonst ist der Mensch so glücklich wie am Strand. Hier verschwinden alle Sorgen hinterm Horizont. Hier erholt er sich von A bis Z.”

Und aus der Online-Ausgabe: Drogenmissbrauch: Hannover kokst. “Nirgendwo in Deutschland kleben mehr Drogen am Geld als in Niedersachsens Hauptstadt.” Von Frank Schubert für Zeit.de.