Thursday, November 15 2001


The New York Times maintains an archive of articles about J. R. R. Tolkien and his works. The original review of The Hobbit from 1938 is interesting to read: A Delightfully Imaginative Journey. (No registration required for these links.)

I’m looking very forward to seeing the movie. Let’s hope it shows up on this list of films our local cinema shows in the original version. (The Harry Potter movie is on that list as well, which makes me happy. I suppose it would be strange to have to see the movies in German after reading the books in the original English version.)


Online-Skript Teilchen und Kerne ist das (erweiterte) Vorlesungsskript zur Vorlesung über Kern- und Teilchenphysik von Stephan Paul und Wolfram Weise, Professoren an der TU München. Besonders interessant: der Abschnitt über Kernmodelle.

Ein weiteres Vorlesungsskript gibt es hier: Elemente der Physik des
(PDF-Dokument) von A. Ustinov, Uni Erlangen-Nürnberg.

Links via Frank, der einer meiner Leidensgenossen ist.

Terrorist Attacks

New York Times, November 4, 2001: Hijackers’ Meticulous Strategy of Brains, Muscle and Practice.

I know I’m late with this. I found the link on MetaFilter a couple of days ago.