Daily Archives: September 5, 2004

Sunday, September 5, 2004

From the culinary department

I’ve been trying some Indian recipes in the past weeks, but still don’t know much about Indian food. I think I will need a good book on Indian cooking, but Ian [Anderson]’s Guide to Indian Food is a good first introduction to get you started. And yes, Ian Anderson is the singer and flutist of Jethro Tull.

Und auf die Liste von Rezepten, die ich in nächster Zeit unbedingt mal probieren muss, gehört auf jeden Fall Mustikka-Piirakka, finnischer Heidelbeerkuchen. Gefunden in den Kuechenzeilen.de.

Back to school

The first week of school after the summer holidays is over. I spent a lot of time with the 25 fifth-graders I will be responsible for during the next two years and even managed to learn their first names.

The fifth-graders are pretty enthusiastic about all those new subjects and refreshingly motivated to learn. On Friday one girl asked me if I could please give them some maths homework because she was bored in the afternoons.

Yesterday André and I succeeded in our second attempt at riding our bikes around the Laacher See (a volcanic lake in the Eifel near our new home town; übrigens gibt es auf deutsch hilfreiche Informationen bei der Uni München) yesterday. This time around, I used a different bike with more gears and was able to climb all but the steepest hills. The weather was beautiful, warm and sunny, and we enjoyed our little trip a lot. No photos though because I didn’t want to lug around my camera all the time…


Für Mathematiklehrer eine reiche Fundgrube: G. Roolfs, ein Mathematiklehrer, hat eine umfangreiche Sammlung von Arbeitsblättern erstellt, und zwar angefangen bei Bruchrechnung für Klasse 7 bis hin zu komplexen Funktionen für die Oberstufe. Es gibt auch eine Abteilung für Informatik, aber die kann ich nicht beurteilen, weil ich das Fach nicht unterrichte.