Monthly Archives: June 2004

Monday, June 28, 2004

Ich kann doch gar nicht programmieren…

… aber ich tue es natürlich trotzdem. Und zwar mit DrScheme, wie bereits erwähnt. Ich habe mich nochmal im Web umgesehen, weil das Thema jetzt im ITG-Unterricht aktuell geworden ist, und bin auf einige interessante Ressourcen gestoßen, die speziell auch für (ahnungslose ) Lehrer geeignet sind:

  • Bei DrScheme selbst gibt es eine Seit zum Thema Learning mit einigen Links.
  • The Teach Scheme! Project. “The curriculum is in use at hundreds of high schools and universities on nearly every continent.” You can read their textbook online for free.
  • Dorai Sitaram: Teach yourself Scheme in Fixnum days.
  • Das Projekt Dein Programm – Programmieren “arbeitet an der Einführung von Programmieren als Basiskompetenz im Schulunterricht. Programmieren ist eine konstruktive und kreative Auseinandersetzung mit Mathematik und fördert besonders die Abstraktions- und Modellierungsfähigkeiten der Schülerinnen und Schüler”.
  • Und last but not least gibt/gab es an der Uni München eine Vorlesung Funktionales Programmieren in Gymnasialunterricht. Das Skript kann man als PDF, DVI oder PS herunterladen. Die auf der Seite angegebenen Links funktionieren wegen eines Fehlers im Quellcode nicht; funktionierende Links finden sich beim Dozenten Helmut Schwichtenberg. Oder direkt hier: PDF.

Saturday, June 19, 2004

Getting close to the big three-oh

Yesterday was my birthday, and I spent most of it in bed because of the wonderful cold I got on Thursday. The dinner we had planned for yesterday got postponed, but today I already feel much better. Anyways, I got some beautiful flowers yesterday, and André baked a birthday cake (recipe in German).

Thanks for the birthday wishes, Susan, Hal, Garret and Sam!


Tuesday, June 8, 2004

Venus Transit

Yay, I saw the Venus transit this morning. At the solar eclipse five years ago it was so cloudy in Bonn that we were not able to see a thing, but this time around the weather was beautiful. The Venus was visible as a small black circle in front of the sun, and of course I had to go outside with my students so they could all take a look. We talked about the event in yesterday’s physics lesson, and the students were even interested in how you can figure out the distance between the sun and the earth during a Venus transit. In fact, this is probably the main reason why people were so interested in watching the transits in past centuries. (Nowadays you can measure the distance by radar.)

Lacking proper equipment, I didn’t take any photos of the event, so you’ll have to use your imagination or look at some photos here; links to more photos are here. Or check out the links in this MetaFilter thread.

Wireless internet

Several people (Scott, Hal, Jörg have commented on the new AirPort Express. I have to admit that it a piece of hardware that makes my inner geek drool quite a bit – and it looks like just the right thing for our new apartment (we’re moving in August) to avoid ethernet cables between living room and office. Websurfing on the balcony? Sounds good to me!


It looks like I need to take a closer look at those HexaHexaFlexagons. I’m a big fan of fun mathematics, especially if origami is involved. Some more info and at least another good link here (MetaFilter thread).


Lots of birthdays and anniversaries… A very belated happy birthday to Audrey (Hal’s wife), and not quite so belated to Susan! The day before Susan’s birthday was David and Diane Singer’s 27th wedding anniversary – congratulations!