Monthly Archives: August 2001

Wednesday, August 15 2001



Getting up early for exams has one advantage: You get to see the sunrise. Photos taken this morning at 6:04 am.

I heeded Susan’s advice, and today’s exam was much better than the one on Monday. And now I deserve a weekend! This week’s weekend will be this afternoon and tomorrow for me. Hmm, what am I going to do with my time?

First of all, I’m going to return about 20 books to the library. Yay!

Monday, August 13 2001

Tiger & Dragon auf DVD

Ich liebäugele schon eine Weile damit, mir den Film Tiger & Dragon auf DVD zu kaufen, und habe bei Amazon den UK-Import gefunden (vgl. Heute habe ich entdeckt, daß es auch eine deutsche Version der DVD gibt.

Sie ist aber noch nicht erschienen, und leider gibt es auch keine näheren Infos darüber, was auf den 2 DVDs der deutschen Version zu finden ist. Hauptsächlich würde mich interessieren, wo der Unterschied zur UK-Version liegt und ob der englischsprachige Ton auch dabei ist.

Kennt jemand noch eine andere Site im Internet, bei der man sowas ‘rausfinden kann? Bin für jeden Tip dankbar!


Three words: Don’t even ask.

The next exam is nuclear and particle physics on Wednesday, the day after tomorrow. I’m almost done with my preparations, and I’m not too worried.

After Wednesday, there’s only one exam left, and that will be atomic physics on Friday, August 24. And it will be at least a month after that before the oral exams start. (I don’t have the exact dates for those yet, but they are going to take place between September 24 and November 30.)

Friday, August 10 2001

Coming soon...… next!

The exam on physics didactic (didactic for physics?) this morning went very well, just as I expected. Afterwards, a couple of colleagues and I went to a Chinese restaurant for lunch. When we paid after the meal, the waitress said, “Good-bye, and have a nice weekend.” – It took me about half a minute to realize that, indeed, it is Friday today, and it is therefore perfectly normal to say “have a nice weekend”. Only, it doesn’t feel like the weekend at all. I’m not going to do much work today, but I sure will spend the next two days at my desk because Monday is Algebra day.

So, have a nice weekend, everyone! See you on Monday – hopefully…

Monday, August 6 2001


Heute hat André für mich gekocht, und zwar Tortellini-Brokkoli-Auflauf (Direktlink auf eine Seite in einem Frame, ist eigentlich nicht die feine Art, ich weiß) nach dem Rezept von Pastaweb. Schmeckt nach einer Mischung aus italienischer und chinesischer Küche und verdammt lecker!

André kocht übrigens schon seit Monaten für mich… ich weiß gar nicht, wann ich zuletzt in der Küche stand. Eine der schönen Seiten am Examen ist, daß ich kulinarisch verwöhnt werde. facehappy:


André posted the last of his photos from Ireland.

One down…

… four to go. I survived the first of the five exams. It was not too bad, I guess. I was only a little bit nervous right before we were let into the audimax, but that faded soon after we got our question. The four hours went by really quick, and now I’m exhausted. I think I won’t work for the other exams this afternoon, I’m going to do something relaxing.

Coming up next: didactics of physics on Friday. Don’t expect updates until then.

Thanks for crossing your fingers, Hal and Jörg. And thanks to Garret for putting the fetish bear into the sun for my exams!

Sunday, August 5 2001

This is the last of the photos I took the other day.



Tomorrow is the big day – the first big day, that is. Between 8 am and 1 pm (GMT +2) I will be sitting in the auditorium maximum, where the exam about pedagogy is taking place.

The strange thing is – I’m not nervous, and I don’t know why. For months, I’ve been thinking that I would be a nervous wreck by this time, but no. We’ll see how it goes tomorrow.

Anyway, I consider the pedagogy exam to be a warming-up of sorts. The next exam is didactics of physics on Friday, which should not be too bad either.

However, the next exam is Algebra on the Monday after that, and I’m afraid of that one, I can tell you. I just don’t like Galois theory much.

If I survive that one, there will be two more physics exams which I should be able to manage okay, and on August 24, it’s all over. Then I’ll take a little time to relax before preparing for the oral exams.


Although you probably didn’t notice it because I’m not updating my weblog regularly, I’ve been following all your blogs…

Craig, I know I’m a couple of days late, but still: Sorry to hear about your grandmother. She seems to have been a lovely person.

Finally, good news from Mollie!

Hal came, saw and defended. Congratulations! Sounds like you did an excellent presentation, Hal, which I would have liked to attend.

Enjoy your vacation, Frauke, Scott and Christopher!