Solar Eclipse
Look at these photos (more photos of the eclipse at Nasa). They were taken during the solar eclipse yesterday. Note the crescent-shaped light spots between the shadows of the leaves. Few people know that the round spots of light visible under a tree in the sunshine are actually images of the sun, i. e. that they are round because the sun is. The best proof is that the spots change their shape during a solar eclipse. The openings between the leaves act like a pinhole camera and create images of the sun on the ground.
Here are a few suggestions on how to view the next partial solar eclipse.
Link via MetaFilter.
Auf deutsch kann man zum Thema “Sonnentaler” mehr in diesen Artikeln erfahren: Sonnentaler fallen nicht vom Himmel (pdf) von H. J. Schlichting – oder in einer kürzeren Fassung vom selben Autor, die in der PhiuZ erschienen ist: Sonnentaler – Abbilder der Sonne (pdf). Und ist Sonnentaler nicht ein schöner Name für ein physikalisches Phänomen?
Happy Birthday, Frauke!
And a very belated Happy Birthday to Susan, too!
Der Schockwellenreiter versorgt mich mit Sonnenuntergängen. Kann ich gut gebrauchen, in Bonn war es in den letzten Tagen abends immer bedeckt und eher ungemütlich für die Jahreszeit. Wo bleibt der Sommer in der nördlichsten Stadt Italiens?
I’m beginning to understand why everybody says the Referendariat (teacher-training on the job) is the most stressful time they’ve experienced. I need more sleep!
And a very belated Happy Birthday to Susan, too!
Thank you, Andrea!! After all my recent adventures, my own birthday felt anticlimactic and un-exciting. : ) I’m looking forward to celebrating the birthday of a very dear person this Tuesday next… same as yours and Sheila’s birthday, too…