Time flies when you’re busy
Yes, I’m still alive. Went on a trip with my fifth grade last week (erlebnispädagogische Woche – nicht nur für den Pädagogen ein Erlebnis ), had several conferences/meetings at school the week before and this week. We hold our annual parent-teacher conferences on Thursday and Friday this week, and I have one exam each of the three remaining weeks until Christmas, so that means lots of grading. I will so be ready for the Christmas holidays come December 22nd.
There’s hardly time to get in the mood for Christmas, but I recently joined the teachers’ choir and we’ve been practicing for a little Christmas concert so that helps to relieve the stress. The last time I sung in a choir was before I graduated from highschool more than ten years ago, and I had forgotten how much I like singing in a choir. Maybe I should also think about taking piano lessons again? Hmm…
Some collected links from the past days, in no particular order
Why are some people chronically late? (Ask MeFi thread)
asienmarkt.de, Spezialversand für asiatische Spezialitäten (mit Sitz in Kiel)
Schöne Fotos und interessante Berichte von diversen Urlaubsreisen gibt es auf Frank Schildheuers Urlaubsseite – u. a. USA-Westküste, -Ostküste, Florida und Kanada.
Old link from two weeks ago, mainly so I can find it again: This explains so much (MetaFilter).
“Watch this short video. You are only allowed to watch it once. Seriously, do not cheat! In the video you will see a group of basketball players, some in white and some in black passing two balls around. Your goal is to count how many times the ball is passed by those wearing white shirts. It’s that simple. Remember, count just the passes of the ball by those wearing white.
Once the movie is over, write down the number of passes you have counted, Do not watch the video again– proceed to step two.”
Chances are you have already seen this, but if you haven’t, it’s worth a look.