Monthly Archives: October 2002

Sunday, October 13, 2002

Around the World

The Global Heritage Fund is a non-profit organization whose “mission is to enable successful long-term preservation of mankind’s most important Global Heritage cultural sites in developing countries with acute pressures and without resources for preservation and planned development.”

A couple of months ago, they asked for permission to use two photos from my site, which I granted. The photos were taken at the ruins of Gedi (or Gede) on my trip to Kenya in 1995 and can be found here.

lego ascending: Escher and Lego

Two of my favourite subjects in one… Remeber Andrew Lipson’s Lego scuptures? His newest projects, which he built with his friend Daniel Shiu, are a few sculptures built after M. C. Escher’s pictures: Balcony, Belvedere and Ascending and Descending (deutscher Titel: Treppauf und treppab). I’m especially impressed with the last one. Scroll down to the bottom of the page for explanations and photos that show how the impossible construction was built.

Link via Rushme und EGM.

Thursday, October 10, 2002


You can build anything with Lego, even a playable (!) Lego Harpsicord. It might sound a little strange, but it’s quite impressive nevertheless.

Link via Backup Brain.


The site about insultingly stupid movie physics has explanations about typical mistakes that are being made in movies as well as movie reviews. Have you ever noticed that Armageddon is full of stuff that doesn’t make sense? I think that is the worst movie I’ve seen, phyics-wise.

Link via Garret.

Kunstwerk Erde

Gestern nachmittag fiel mein Seminar aus, so daß ich tatsächlich Zeit hatte, in Bonn in die Innenstadt zu fahren und mir u. a. diese wunderschönen Bilder des Kunstwerks Erde anzusehen. Natürlich waren dort noch mehr Bilder zu sehen, als die Website zeigte.

Danke für Link und Tip, Iris!

Monday, October 7, 2002

Diese Woche in der Zeit

Anti-Terror: Tödliche Fehler. “US-Ermittler wussten von geplanten Terroranschlägen, ließen die Verdächtigen aber gewähren. Es mehren sich die Hinweise, dass CIA und FBI den Angriff auf Amerika hätten verhindern können.” Von Oliver Schröm.

albert tower clock: Back home

I’m back from the trip to England. I’ve got lots of photos, but they will have to wait at least until next week. First I’ll have to survive the next couple of days, which are going to be very busy, until the autumn holidays begin.

The photo on the right was taken – you guessed it – in London, on one of two day trips. As you can see, we were very lucky with the weather; it almost felt like summer, and we had about 20°C throughout the week.