More news about the shooting at a German school
Update Saturday, April 27, 1 pm GMT +2.
There are some good news: According to the latest news, only 17 people were killed, not 18. I also read that a teacher stopped the amok running student by removing his mask. At this point, the student said he didn’t want to continue, and the teacher managed to lock him in a room. He had ammunition left for 500 more shots.
Also, it was said that the student belonged to a shooting club and acquired the weapons he used legally.
- BBC News: School slaughter stuns Germany.
- Spiegel Online: Lehrer beendete Amoklauf.
Shooting at German school
Update, 6:39 pm GMT +2.
DW-World: 18 Killed in High School Shootout in Germany.
At least 18 people died in a school shootout in the German city of Erfurt on Friday. A former student stormed into the building and opened fire. The assailant is among the dead. […]
According to police and eye-witness reports, the shooting began at 11 a.m. A former student, who had recently been expelled from the school, stormed into the building and randomly opened fire.
Latest reports say that 18 people are dead, at least four are injured. Police said two girls and 15 adults were killed. The 19-year-old gunman reportedly committed suicide after the shooting.
- Deutsche Welle: 18 Tote nach Amoklauf in Erfurt.
- BBC News: 18 die in German school massacre.
- NY Times (registration required): 18 Dead in Shooting at High School in Eastern Germany.
- CNN: 18 die in German school massacre, eyewitness accounts.
- Spiegel: Schüler erschießt 17 Menschen und sich selbst.
- Die Website der Schule: GutenbergGymnasium Erfurt.
Some links via Garret and this MetaFilter thread: Worse than Littleton.
Update, 3:50 pm GMT +2: The media now say that eighteen people have died in a shooting at a school in Erfurt, Germany.
Spiegel: Erfurt: 18 Tote bei Schießerei im Gymnasium.
Grammar School Shootout in Germany
This is the top headline of the English part of Deutsche Welle News. There has been shooting in a Gymnasium in Erfurt, Germany, this morning. The situation does not seem clear as of now (3 pm GMT +2)… but the radio said two teachers and a policeman were shot. Read about it:
- BBC News: Three shot dead at German school.
- Deutsche Welle News: Grammar School Shootout in Germany. Pictures are here.
- Deutsche Welle: Tote bei Schießerei in Erfurter Gymnasium.
- Spiegel: Schießerei in Erfurter Gymnasium. Amoklauf beim Abitur – einer der Täter ist tot.
- Spiegel: Chronik: Gewalttaten an Schulen in Deutschland.
- Vier Tote bei Amoklauf in Erfurter Schule.
Scary. This is not the first time there has been shooting in at school in Germany, but I think it’s the first time that it’s being called an amok run.
Update: The radio just reported that there were two former students running amok, one of whom is now dead. Two teachers and a policeman died, and six more people were injured.
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