My Erdős number is infinity

Today’s xkcd comic made me laugh out loud!

Non-mathematicians who don’t know ErdÅ‘s or what an ErdÅ‘s number is should take a look at these Wikipedia articles: Paul ErdÅ‘s, ErdÅ‘s Number.

If you’d like to read more about ErdÅ‘s I recommend two books on him that I’ve read and enjoyed:

ErdÅ‘s also inspired a book on elegant mathematical proofs called Proofs from the Book, which is worth checking out too if you’re into that sort of books. (Disclaimer: I haven’t read this one cover to cover yet.)

One thought on “My ErdÅ‘s number is infinity

  1. Herr Rau

    Thank you for this. I read xkcd and almost always get the joke, but this time I was baffled. Your entry made me look up Erdös number.

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