Daily Archives: December 6, 2000

December 6 2000

Stories and photos

Susan posts more beautiful photos. I’ve never seen Fresnel lighthouse lenses before.

She also talks about story-telling, and how Manila has enabled us to tell our stories and get to know others through their weblogs and their stories.

“One year ago, a free tool was unleashed: one that made it possible for each of us to tell our own stories. And in the day to day of a year’s time, to experience the particulars, and, in hypertext links, to begin entwining our thoughts and experiences together. This has been A Very Good Thing. And will continue to be so.”


AllTheTests.com – “the online test search engine and your guide through the jungle of different tests on the Internet.” Tests are organized in categories, and you can search with a search engine as well.

Link via /usr/bin/girl.


Wow! Garret posts beautiful sunset pictures. facehappy:

Happy Sinterklaas!

Okay, he’s not called Sinterklaas in German, but ‘Nikolaus’. On December 5th, children put a boot (or shoe) out for Nikolaus to fill. While they sleep, Nikolaus will come and fill the boots with nuts, oranges and some chocolate or other Christmas-related candy.

When my parents visited a little while ago, they left us a little present for Nikolaus. André and I cheated a bit and didn’t want to wait till morning, so we just opened it. We got – Niederegger Marzipan! facehappy:

Ein ganz großes Dankeschön an meine Eltern nach Hetzwege!

We got two different kinds: Marzipan potatoes, whitish Marzipan balls rolled in cocoa so they look like potatoes, and little Marzipan breads, which are Marzipan pieces covered with dark chocolate.

Marzipan is a speciality that is made of grounded almonds and sugar and rosewater, and it’s delicious!

The most famous brand is Niederegger, and you can read all about Marzipan on their web site. They explain how Marzipan is made in the production section, and if you get hungry, you can buy some Marzipan here.