Daily Archives: November 4, 2000

November 4 2000

Want to be an astronaut?

When I was a kid, I wanted to be an astronaut, and I’m still interested in all things concerning space-flight. Here’s there Space Flight Questions and Answers of the NASA. They also have a page with an overview of all the FAQ pages.

Link via Netdyslexia.


Yay, the LinkBack program is back up! Thanks, Jeremy!

All the treasures gone…

Ack! What do I read on today’s Scripting News? They turned off Eric Weisstein’s World of Mathematics???

“It is with the deepest regret that we must inform you that because of a copyright lawsuit filed by CRC Press against Eric Weisstein and others, we have been forced to remove our MathWorld web site from public view as of October 23, 2000. We are very hopeful that at some point in the future it will be possible to restore this valuable web resource to full public view. […]

And we would like to apologize to the researchers and students who rely on this site for their work and learning…”

Oh no! This was the most valuable resource for mathematics on the web (as far as I know)! I used it very often. At least, his Treasure Troves (Astronomy, Physics, Chemistry, Music) are still available.

Details about Mathworld are here.

Shanghai Noon

Peter Rukavina was so kind to send me the URL to a review of the film at Steve.Rukavina.Net. Thanks!

Space Cowboys

Der Schockwellenreiter sagt, seine Frau und er wollen sich den Film übermorgen ansehen. Außerdem hat er Links zu Kritiken in der Telepolis (Man on the Moon) und im Spiegel (Eastwoods große Sause). Danke!

Außerdem hat er dezent darauf hingewiesen, daß es im Rollberg-Department Kino ganz, ganz viel über Kinofilme zu lesen gibt.