October 28 2000


The scariest books of all time on CNN. – I vote for the short stories of Edgar Allan Poe. “The Tell-Tale Heart” is my favourite story by Poe and a classic. I found The Tell-Tale Heart online, in case you want to read it. (Here is another, more scary-looking version with horrible sound – or is it music?)

I would recommend listening to the story even more than reading it. Here is a real audio version of ‘The Tell-Tale Heart’, but since I don’t have a real audio player installed, I couldn’t test it.

Link via Sheila.

Big brother is watching you…

Die Big Brother Awards “soll missbräuchlichen Gebrauch von Technik und Informationen aufzeigen und so zu ihrer Akzeptanz beitragen.”

Unter den Ausgezeichneten 2000: die Payback-Karte, Bahnchef Mehdorn, Mailanbieter GMX und das Bundesverwaltungsamt Köln.

Die Big-Brother-Awards sind ein Cousin der Big Brother Awards USA/Kanada; weitere Awards gibt es in Großbritannien, Österreich und der Schweiz.

Hör mal wer da hämmert

That’s the German title for ‘Tim Allen’s Home Improvement’.

Garret and Sandra are getting excited about their house, and Garret is thinking about woodwork so much he fears his blog “may turn into a santa fe version of tim allen’s ‘home improvement’ …”

Hey, Garret, I wouldn’t mind at all! I used to watch ‘Home Improvement’ a couple of years ago (when I still had a TV set).

Today’s Sunset

Sunset Oct 28:

More good news

Hey, Christopher came home from the hospital! Good to hear he’s better.


Okay, I’m veeery late on this. But still – congratulations, Susan, on the release of ‘Bryce 4’! What a happy day!


Die Referrer logs sind schon was Interessantes. Fand ich da doch einen Besucher, der von http://blah.blah.de/ronsens/ gekommen ist. Und was finde ich auf ronsens? Einen Link zu mir. Okay, das war nicht so überraschend, aber ich fand dort auch jede Menge Lego-Links! facehappy:

Leider hat die Site ja überhaupt nicht meine Neugier hinsichtlich der Autorin oder des Autors befriedigt. Kein Link zu sehen… Wer bist Du?

Lego links

Legopolis online – “On the Internet, no one knows you’re a minifig…”

This is just too cute. The site has everything for the daily life in Legopolis, even an online flower shop – which of course sends Lego flowers!

Be sure to visit the Legopolis Museum of Science’s Dead Dino Exhibit

The Minifig Museum of Modern Art is also pretty neat.

Links via ronsens (German site).

3 thoughts on “October 28 2000

  1. Sean Floyd

    Tell-tale heart is good, but not that scary. “The mummy” (by Arthur Conan Doyle) freaked me out when I was a kid, and the German Story “Die Schwarze Spinne” by Jeremias Gotthelf got me scared of spiders until quite recently :-)

  2. Andrea Frick

    I don’t know “The Mummy” and “Die Schwarze Spinne”… but I guess I should read them, then!

    I’m not afraid of spiders.


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